What is God actually redeeming in us? What does it mean to be human? What is our mission in the world? Christians should seek the answers to these big questions. But we may lack the theological tools to answer. Our vision of the purpose of God and of us humans can be myopic because we haven’t steeped our minds in the truths about humanity found in the first chapter of Genesis, where it is revealed that we are created in the image of God.
Dr. J. Richard Middleton (Ph.D. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) is the author of The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 (from Brazos Press, 2005).
He is Professor of Biblical Worldview and Exegesis at Northeastern Seminary. His most recent book is titled Abraham’s Silence: The Binding of Isaac, the Suffering of Job, and How to Talk Back to God (Baker Academic, 2021). Previous books include A New Heaven and a New Earth: Reclaiming Biblical Eschatology (Baker Academic, 2014). He is also the co-author (with Brian Walsh) of The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian Worldview (IVP Academic, 1984) and Truth is Stranger Than It Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age (IVP Academic/SPCK, 1995).