Malone University – (re)integrate SFO

Malone-UniversityIncreasingly, life seems to have gotten more and more disconnected, disorderly, disjointed, and disintegrated. Pulled in different directions, career and relationships and hobbies and responsibilities and faith each demand 100% of our attention.

How can we reintegrate it all? Is there an overarching paradigm that will align our lives along the same trajectory?

Bob Robinson leads a weekly “Life Group,” a Spiritual Formation Opportunity at Malone University.
Title: Reintegrate My Major with God’s Mission
Date and Time: Mondays, 10:00 AM
Place: Brehme Centenial Center, CC105

For each session a student attends, he or she receives a full credit toward their twenty required per semester for spiritual formation.


Mondays, 10:00 AM


Brehme Centennial Center
CC 105


This is a ministry of the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) and (re)integrate.

Bob Robinson has been serving college students with CCO for over ten years.

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read the (re)integrate blog