Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission


How does what you do Monday through Saturday connect with your Sunday faith? This Bible study offers a grand overview of God’s mission in the world and how normal Christians are called to participate in that mission in and through their work. Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission is a seven-part study looking at Scripture and practically applying it to our work-a-day lives.

Look Inside!

  • Table of Contents
  • How to Use This Study
  • Chapter 1 – Introduction: The Full Story of the Gospel

Book Details

Paperback: 145 pages
Includes: Leaders Guide
Publisher: Good Place Publishing (February, 2017)
ISBN: 978-0939320288
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8 inches


Retail Price: $14.00

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“I remember when I was first wrestling with the vision that ‘all of life’ mattering, reading books, hitchhiking across America and asking questions of everyone who would talk, wanting to know if it was really true. Like most, I stumbled over a disposition to dualism. To say it simply: ‘spiritual’ concerns were more important than ‘secular’ concerns. But as a coming-of-age young man, that wasn’t adequate, and I wanted more, something more coherent. So, I pressed in on the question: what does the Bible teach? I wish that I had had Bob Robinson for a guide, and that I had been able to think through my questions in light of his new book, Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission— a compelling study, shaped by Scripture, for seeing seamlessly, for a way of life where everything that matters, really does matter.”

-Dr. Steven Garber, Author, Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good

“Bob Robinson’s Reintegrate Bible study is an engaging, thoughtful, well-organized curriculum that will help many believers struggling to find their place in God’s Big Story. He has gathered together in one place the wisdom of the scriptures and the excellent thinking of numerous theologians on the creation-fall-redemption-consummation narrative. By providing practical, interactive exercises, the study helps users see the big picture and reframe their own identity and work in ways that will be both encouraging and energizing. Highly recommended.”

-Dr. Amy L. Sherman, Author, Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good

“Bob Robinson has skillfully created a transforming pathway that will narrow the Sunday to Monday gap many followers of Jesus are experiencing in the complex and often confusing contours of modern life. Utilizing a robust theology of vocation, a coherent biblical framework and a transforming pedagogy of interactive dialogue, Reintegrate has the potential to truly change your life. I highly recommend it!”

-Dr. Tom Nelson, President, Made to Flourish national pastors’ network; Senior Pastor, Christ Community Church in Kansas City; Author, Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work

“If you are a Christian, you don’t just have a job. You have a calling from God. So do it well. A great start is to study the content and questions of this Bible study with a group of friends who also yearn to serve the Lord Jesus in every square inch of their lives. For too long we have separated our Christianity from our normal, everyday routines. It’s time to Reintegrate God, Life, and Work. Bob Robinson will show you how.”

-Dr. Michael Wittmer, Professor of Systematic & Historical Theology, Director of the Center for Christian Worldview at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary; Author of Heaven is a Place on Earth: Why Everything You Do Matters to God, and Worldly Saints: Can You Serve Jesus and Still Enjoy Your Life?

“Stories universally give context and meaning to all people in all cultures. Today, many narratives compete to explain who we are and why we are here. The only real question is which grand story will shape our lives? Bob Robinson’s Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission is an excellent tool to help Believers understand that the Bible is the ultimate story of significance that applies to all generations in every era. It’s an evergreen explanation of truth told in four chapters: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation. This overarching four-chapter story lays a foundation that provides the meaning and fulfillment we all seek in life. Highly recommended.”

-Hugh Whelchel, Executive Director, The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics; Author, How then Should We Work?: Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work

“Every week, as Christians, we spend an average of 163 hours in non- church related activities. A great majority of this time is spent in our area of vocation and work. And yet many of us believe that only those activities related to our local congregation contribute to the advancement of God’s kingdom. Nothing could be further from the truth. How do we make an utterly essential paradigm shift in not only our minds, but also in our hearts? How do we re-view what may be familiar passages of scripture with new eyes? In this thoughtful and practical study Bob Robinson has provided us with fresh ways to engage the scripture, provocative case studies and helpful application to gain new perspective on whole life discipleship. If workplaces are primary places of spiritual formation, then this guide must be part of your journey!”

-Lisa Pratt Slayton, CEO, Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation

Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission will help you make an essential, life-changing connection between your life and God’s life, between your mission and God’s mission, between your work and God’s work. This study is based on a careful examination of Scripture, shaped by the grand story of God’s creative, redemptive, and restoring work. You will be encouraged to see how this biblical story makes a real difference in your own life and work. This is one of the finest study guides I know for people who are eager to align their personal vocation with God’s mission in the world.”

-Dr. Mark Roberts, Executive Director, The Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary

“Many Christians are trying to live life and go to work with, at best, two out of the four parts of the true story of humanity. They see their job as a necessary evil and the good news of the gospel as an exit strategy to get them out of a messed-up world. But Bob Robinson’s Reintegrate fills in the other two parts of the narrative that bring meaning, value, and tangible hope to our day-to-day work and the overall purpose of our lives. This study is a must!”

-Bill Hendricks, President, The Giftedness Center; Executive Director, Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary; Co-author, Your Work Matters to God

“There are hundreds of fine Bible study guides and small group resources on every book of the Bible and on almost any topic. But none can compare with this remarkable study. Picking up Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission will change the way you see the Bible, God’s work in the world, and your own calling and career; indeed, every aspect of your life. With truly insightful Biblical study and lots of helpful sidebars offering quotes from amazing books and authors, not to mention creative interactive questions, Bob Robinson has given us a true gift. This is one of the most important little books I’ve ever seen. It is simple to use but after going through it, you will never be the same again.”

-Byron Borger, Hearts & Minds

“Bob Robinson’s ideas about faith and work were the reason I hired him as an editor for The High Calling, and he is still as thoughtful as ever. Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission will help people go as deep as they are ready to go with each other—as they think together about God’s vision for their vocation and for all of creation.”

-Marcus Goodyear, Director of Communications Operations, The H. E. Butt Family Foundation

Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission is a rich exploration of the big story of Scripture and the implications it has for our everyday, ordinary lives. Anyone seeking to connect their work with God’s mission in the world would greatly benefit from this robust study.”

-Dr. Terry Timm, Pastor, Christ Community Church of the South Hills; Pittsburgh City Director, Made to Flourish; Board Member, Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation; Author, A Movable Feast: Worship for the Other Six Days

“Bob Robinson has written a compelling Bible study that deftly articulates the work and faith narrative. It is comprehensive, practical, and theologically approachable. Real-life scenarios coupled with applicable Scripture study makes Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission an incredibly useful tool that will be a great resource for people to reference long after completion. It will deeply inform and reshape participants vision of flourishing and shalom in their day to day life.”

-Vincent Burens, President/CEO, Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)

“Too many of us have neglected the opening and closing chapters of the Bible. Without them, we’ve developed a rather insipid vision of why God created us to begin with, what He intends to make of us and His creation, and the work He has called us to do today. Group participants who study through Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission will find themselves breaking free of shrunken thinking about life as they consider how they can live and work in light of the gospel in today’s broken world.”

– Dr. William C. Peel, Executive Director, Center for Faith & Work at LeTourneau University

“Bob Robinson has given us a great gift by taking the truths of vocation and the whole Gospel and weaving them together in a way that is practical, biblical, accessible, and transformative. This book will be a great blessing to those who study it, and a great service to the church and even the world.”

-Rev. Bill Haley, Executive Director, Coracle; Associate Rector, The Falls Church Anglican

“This Bible study is creative and intriguing and will help Christians see how all of life matters to God, especially in all of the hours we spend away from environments typically labeled “spiritual.” Bob Robinson has done a great service to the church, helping us reintegrate our lives that are all too often insufficiently integrated with our faith.”

-Dr. Vincent Bacote, Associate Professor of Theology; Director, Center for Applied Christian Ethics, Wheaton College

“Bob Robinson assembles an impressive body of evidence as he makes the case for Christians to embrace Mondays just as we celebrate Sundays–to live an integrated life. The subject is not new to me, but Bob’s study taught me things that I didn’t know about work and human dignity.”

-Dan Dupee, Chairman of the Board, Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)

“Bob Robinson has drawn on a lifetime of experience and study in writing this helpful Bible study on the integral connection between faith and work. You will find yourself surveying the complete arc of the wonderful story that the Bible tells, and tracing the meaning of that story for your own faith, life, and vocation. This is a great place to begin discovering the meaning of your work!”

– Dr. Gideon Strauss, Associate Professor of Worldview Studies, Institute for Christian Studies

“In the truest Christian tradition, knowing is by doing. It isn’t sitting around having conversations or listening to lectures. This is why I like Bob Robinson’s book. It’s a ‘knowing by doing’ lab, a book chock full of ‘live case studies’—real life problems. If you, the reader, tackle them via a real-life problem-solving team, you’ll be forced away from banal generalities and into the toils and troubles of solving real problems. That’s where the better learning takes place; it’s where our loves are better reordered. Kudos to Bob for pulling this material together. I know firsthand that it is a lifelong calling for him. It will only become so for you if you follow his lead—and learn by doing.”

-Mike Metzger, President, Clapham Institute